In any industry, there’s a need to stay relevant. People always want to stay educated on current trends, and even fads, to better know how they can make their products better for their customers. Skateboarding is no different.
Skateboarding has an industry with as much loyalty as any other. Company owners, sales managers, and pro skaters alike want to know what’s going on in skateboarding. And there are not many better ways to do that than by physically coming together with those from all around the industry.

Last week was highlighted by Agenda Show in Long Beach, CA, the premiere west coast trade show for skateboarding. For many years, living on the east coast, I attended the Agenda Show in New York City. Yet this was my first time visiting the show in Los Angeles County, California.
The atmosphere of Agenda Show is unlike any experience most skaters have had. It’s, for lack of a better word, dope. Especially the first few times going to these events, walking the show is a bit surreal. You’ll casually pass P-Rod, Aaron Herrington, and Evan Smith, and it’s no big deal to the majority. Everyone’s friends, and most are really friendly. It’s a chance for an industry of friends (that is the skateboarding industry) to catch up and connect.
It’s an exciting experience for us individuals, whether employees, company founders, or skate rats. But also, it’s an encouraging time for every brand in attendance. The staples of the industry for decades are lined up in rows right next to upstarts that hope to reach their own greater success one day soon. Element Skateboards, Plan B Skateboards, and Loud Headphones are just down the way from Pizza Skateboards and Remind Insoles. Every type of skateboarding company with every type of product. They’re there.

All is looking healthy for skateboarding at the Agenda Show, and we’re happy to know it! After all, that is why we do what we do: skateboarding. It’s the best part of our days, and we want to offer solid products to skateboarders everywhere.
We’re stoked to see skateboarding’s industry on the ground level. Even more, we’re glad to see that it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
Long Live Skateboarding!