Fancy Lad on Krux Flow

Fancy Lad on Krux Flow

Fancy Lad isn’t just a skateboard company. It’s not just a crew, just an action, nor just a vibe. It’s a lifestyle and an approach that is as unique as it is needed by skateboarding.

The Frankenstein-like skateboards built by the Fancy Lad crew are as zany as the spots they craft. Just as importantly, their video editing matches the different vibe of each member of the group. Some may see each of their videos as an accumulation of circus tricks, but we know and love Fancy Lad as the ultimate experiment which represents the backbone of skateboarding culture. D. I. Y.

Recently, Krux Trucks collaborated with the famed Fancy Lad squad for a signature truck, which brings smiles to our (and many others’) faces. What a perfect partnership between a staple in skateboarding’s turning contraption and one of the greatest oddities to happen to the skateboarding world.

The wild colors found on the Krux Fancy Lad Truck are perfect for the fine gentlemen of Boston, Massachusetts, and we can’t wait for you to see for yourself. Find the truck here on the website or at limited skate shops, perhaps in your area… 🙂

Love Skateboarding.

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