The Ben Raemers Foundation
For those familiar with enjoi Skateboards, most would agree that Ben Raemers completely encapsulated the fun and light-hearted spirit of the brand in his person. It is just naturally how it was. Zany moments on tour, caught on camera or otherwise, he seemed to be the most light-hearted and fun-driven member of the crew (which was to say a lot).
From stories we’ve heard and seen, Ben was a special human and exceptional skateboarder that could make anyone feel like that day was the very best day ever, no matter the circumstances. This is why it was especially hard to come to terms with his death earlier this year. Ben, beyond anyone’s belief, took his own life at 28 years old, May 2019.
As it should, this has opened a new door for the conversation and topic of mental health, particularly for skateboarders struggling with what they may. If a light in our world like Ben couldn’t make it out from his own negative thoughts, it is important for us all to check in with ourselves and our friends to affirm our roles as friends, family members, citizens, and humans.
With all this said, we’re excited to see the creation of The Ben Raemers Foundation. Its goal: to “raise awareness around the tools, techniques and skills that can be used within the community to address issues surrounding mental health and suicide.” We don’t want to see anyone so low that they would consider harming themselves. And if they are, it is important to bring conversations like this to the front of people’s minds and direct them to helpful resources.
Let’s remember Ben firstly for what he brought to skateboarding and people’s lives in general. But also, bring your attention to The Ben Raemers Foundation to help all of us live mentally healthier lives.