Mastering the Basics: Beginner-Friendly Skateboarding Techniques

mastering the basics beginner friendly skateboarding techniques

Skateboarding can be challenging for beginners, but with practice and patience, you can develop your skills. There are five beginner-friendly skateboarding techniques to get you started: riding stance, pushing, turning and carving, kickturns, and ollies. These techniques will have you well on your way out of beginner territory once you have mastered them all. 

Keep reading to learn just how easy it is to master the basics of skateboarding and learn how to tackle each step. 

Riding Stance

Before attempting tricks, it’s essential to get comfortable with your riding stance. Most skateboarders have either a regular (left foot forward) or goofy (right foot forward) stance. Experiment to find your comfortable stance, and practice riding with your feet in that position.

Mastering your riding stance is a crucial foundational step for anyone venturing into skateboarding. It forms the basis of your balance, control, and maneuverability on the skateboard. 

Skateboarders typically adopt either a regular stance, where the left foot is positioned forward, or a goofy stance, with the right foot leading. Determining your natural and comfortable stance is a personal process that involves experimentation. 

Start by placing your feet in each stance and pushing the skateboard gently to see which feels more intuitive.

Once you’ve identified your preferred stance, dedicate time to getting accustomed to riding in that position. Practice cruising, turning, and pushing, focusing on maintaining stability and comfort. 

The riding stance sets the stage for more advanced maneuvers and tricks down the line, making it essential to establish a strong foundation early on. Embracing this fundamental aspect of skateboarding not only enhances your overall experience on the board but also contributes to a smoother transition when delving into more intricate skills and tricks. 

So, before diving into the world of flips and spins, take the time to perfect your riding stance – the cornerstone of skateboarding proficiency.


Learn how to push properly. Pushing is the basic method of propelling your skateboard forward. Place your front foot over the front bolts, and push with your back foot. Keep your weight balanced, and practice pushing to gain speed and maintain control.

Mastering the art of pushing is fundamental for every skateboarder embarking on their journey. Pushing is the primary technique used to propel the skateboard forward and is a fundamental skill for navigating different terrains. 

To push properly, use the following steps:

  1. Position your front foot over the front bolts, providing stability and control.
  2. Use your back foot to generate forward momentum. This stance ensures that your weight is evenly distributed, preventing imbalance and promoting a smoother ride.
  3. Continue pushing with your back foot to propel you even further.

Focus on pushing with your back foot, executing each push with controlled force to gradually accelerate. Keeping your weight centered is key to maintaining balance and preventing the board from veering off course. As you push, practice finding a rhythm that suits your comfort level, as this will contribute to a more fluid and efficient ride.

Consistent practice of pushing not only builds essential muscle memory but also aids in developing the overall control necessary for more advanced maneuvers. 

Whether cruising along sidewalks or navigating through skate parks, a solid foundation in pushing is paramount for every skateboarder’s repertoire.

Turning and Carving

Turning and carving are integral aspects of skateboarding that significantly contribute to your overall proficiency on the board. Turning is a fundamental skill that involves the art of shifting your weight to guide the skateboard in the desired direction. For a left turn, lean gently to the left, and for a right turn, shift your weight slightly to the right. This simple yet crucial technique forms the basis for navigating corners, avoiding obstacles, and enhancing your general maneuverability.

Practice turning by shifting your weight on the skateboard. To turn left, lean slightly to the left, and to turn right, lean slightly to the right. Carving involves making wide, sweeping turns while cruising. Mastering these basic maneuvers will enhance your overall control on the board.

Carving takes turning to the next level by incorporating wide, sweeping turns while cruising. It’s an expressive and dynamic way to navigate the terrain, offering a sense of flow and style. As you carve, focus on the fluidity of your movements, allowing the board to smoothly follow the arc of your turn. 

Carving not only adds an aesthetic dimension to your skateboarding but also helps refine your balance and coordination.

Mastering these basic turning and carving maneuvers is essential for building confidence and control on the skateboard. These skills lay the foundation for more advanced tricks and maneuvers, making them a crucial part of any skateboarder’s skill set. 

So, dedicate time to honing your turning and carving abilities, and watch as your overall skateboarding prowess evolves.


Kickturns serve as a cornerstone for any skateboarder aiming to master agility and swift directional changes on the board. This fundamental technique is instrumental for navigating obstacles, turning abruptly, and exploring the dynamic aspects of skateboarding. 

To execute a kickturn effectively, initiate the maneuver by shifting your weight towards the back foot, thereby lifting the front wheels off the ground. Simultaneously, utilize your front foot to guide the board in the intended direction.

Starting with small, controlled turns is advisable for beginners. This allows you to develop a sense of balance and coordination during the kickturn motion. Gradually increase the intensity and angle of your turns as you become more comfortable with the maneuver. 

The key lies in finding the right balance between weight distribution and foot movement to smoothly pivot the skateboard.

Kickturns are not only practical for negotiating tight spaces or sudden obstacles but also lay the groundwork for more advanced tricks and maneuvers. 

As you progress, experimenting with kickturns on ramps and in skate parks can open up new dimensions of creativity and control. In essence, mastering kickturns is a pivotal step towards unlocking the full spectrum of possibilities that skateboarding has to offer. 

Dedicate time to refine this technique, and you’ll find your overall skateboarding prowess advancing to new levels of skill and confidence.


The ollie is the foundation for many tricks and is an essential skill to learn. Begin by practicing the motion of popping the tail of the skateboard down while simultaneously sliding your front foot forward. 

The goal is to level out the board in the air and land smoothly. It may take some time to master the ollie, but it’s a crucial skill for progressing in skateboarding.

It would be very helpful to watch video tutorials to get this trick done right. 

Remember to wear protective gear, especially a helmet, when skateboarding, and practice these techniques in a safe and open area. Consistent practice and a positive attitude are key to improving your skateboarding skills over time.

Conclusion: Skating for Beginners Isn’t Too Hard

In conclusion, we have five skills and techniques you can use to become a better skateboarder. Now don’t hesitate to get out there. Don’t forget your safety gear and get to rolling the streets!

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