Safety First: Essential Tips for Skateboarding Protection and Injury Prevention

safety first essential tips for skateboarding protection and injury prevention

Although skateboarding is an exhilarating and widespread sport, it carries a long list of potential injuries. Thankfully, many ways exist to increase skateboarding protection and prevent these injuries. 

The best way to prevent skateboarding injuries is to wear the proper equipment, including helmets, wrist guards, and knee and elbow pads. Aside from the gear, skateboarders should choose safe spots to skate, inspect their board before riding, and refrain from sharing their board or wearing headphones.

If you’re thinking about taking up skateboarding but don’t want to fall prey to one of its potential injuries, keep reading. This article shares a vast collection of essential tips for skateboarding protection – so you can stave off injuries big and small.

Skateboarding Protection

Many pieces of equipment should be worn while skateboarding to prevent injury. This includes the following:


The most crucial piece of skateboarding equipment is a helmet. Without it, you’re at risk of potential head injuries, including gashes and concussions. 

When selecting a helmet, ensure that it meets or exceeds safety standards set forth by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, or CPSC. It should be under five years old and not damaged while in use. 

A proper fit is vital to staving off head injuries. When choosing a helmet, make sure that it:

  • It sits flat on your head
  • The edges are parallel to the ground
  • The top portion sits low on your forehead
  • Includes straps that form a “V” around the ears
  • It consists of a buckle that can fasten tightly around the chin
  • It contains pads on the interior
  • Does not move or wiggle during movement
  • Does not impede your vision or hearing

Wrist Guards

Another piece of the skateboarding equipment puzzle is wrist guards. As the name suggests, wrist guards support the wrist and prevent injuries such as breaks. 

Knee and Elbow Pads

Finally, finish up your skateboarding gear with well-fitting knee and elbow pads. These will help to protect you in the event of a fall (aka – you won’t end up with gravel burns or scrapes if you don’t land your kickflip).

Good Shoes

A good pair of shoes is essential while skateboarding. If you’re unsure if your shoes are a good fit, consider purchasing skateboarding-specific shoes. 

Never attempt skateboarding in flip-flops or similar footwear.

Tips for Preventing Injury

When it comes to preventing injuries while skateboarding, it’s not solely about equipment. There are many other ways to keep injuries at bay. Here are the top tips to consider before and during your next skateboarding adventure:

Choose a Safe Place to Skateboard

A skateboard park is the best place to go for a ride. These destinations are designed explicitly for skateboard use and thus pose less risk of injury to skateboarders.

However, if you don’t live near a skateboarding park or are uninterested in using one, here are a few things to avoid when choosing a place to let loose:


  • Avoid heavy traffic or areas where you may collide with vehicles, bikes, people, etc.
  • Avoid places with irregular surfaces and cracks, bumps, holes, etc.
  • Never skateboard in wet weather (rain or snow)
  • Do not engage in “skitching,” which is holding onto a vehicle while skateboarding.

Use the Right Skateboard

Did you know that there are different types of skateboards based on the activity you’re engaging in? For example, some are designed for slalom, while others are crafted for speed. Always ensure you are using a skateboard designed for your activity. Also, it is crucial to find a skateboard that matches the level of your abilities. 

Check Your Skateboard Before Riding

While it’s tempting to grab your skateboard and head out the door, you shouldn’t attempt riding before giving your skateboard a good look-over. You should inspect your skateboard for any repairs, such as:

  • Loose parts
  • Broken parts
  • Sharp edges
  • Slippery surfaces

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Remember that you’re not Tony Hawk, and it will take a while to achieve his skill level. 

That said, it’s essential to focus on going slow and steady and not attempt elaborate techniques or tricks before you’re ready.

And speaking of “slow and steady,” make sure you take turns on skateboarding equipment like ramps and bowls. Otherwise, you could find yourself in a collision.

Yes to Goggles, No to Headphones

It’s perfectly fine to wear a good set of goggles while skateboarding. That’s a great way to keep debris out of your eyes while you’re going for a spin.

However, one thing that should not be worn while skateboarding is headphones. You won’t be able to hear what’s happening around you, which could prove detrimental.

Ride Solo

Another great way to reduce the risk of injury is always to ride solo.

That’s not to say you can’t ride alongside a friend. Going with a friend can make the experience that much better.

All this means is that you should have your own boards. Never attempt to ride your skateboard with another person on it. One rider per skateboard!

Fall Correctly

Falling is just that – falling. Right?


There is actually a “right” way and a “wrong” way to fall. The right way will ensure you don’t end up with an injury. The wrong way can easily lead to scratches and breaks.

So what’s the right way?

Here are some simple tips to follow along with:

  • When you’re about to fall, crouch down so you’re not falling from such a high distance
  • Land on the fleshy areas of your body
  • Don’t place your hands down! Instead, try to roll and take the force off of your ligaments
  • As hard as it is, try not to stiffen up

On Board Safely: Navigating Skateboarding with Confidence in Injury Prevention

Fending off injuries while skateboarding isn’t complicated. In fact, there are plenty of ways to stay safe and injury-free. Start with the right gear, including helmets, wrist guards, and knee and elbow pads. Skateboard in a safe place with a skateboard that has no defects. Go slow and steady, learn to fall correctly, and refrain from wearing headphones while you board. 


Skateboarding Safety – National Safety Council (

Skateboarding Safety – Preventing Skateboarding Injuries – OrthoInfo – AAOS


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