Tail and Nose Guards: Protecting Your Skateboard from Ollie Wear

tail and nose guards protecting your skateboard from ollie wear

Now that you’ve invested in your skateboard, it’s important to keep it safe from wear and tear. Getting some tail and nose guards is the first step in protecting your skateboard, especially if you plan on doing any ollies, which are super tough on the board. 

Tail and nose guards act as a shield, minimizing contact with the ground during tricks like ollies. By adding an extra layer of defense to the tail and nose areas, not only is the board’s lifespan extended, but it also enhances the board’s overall durability. Protection against ollie wear is vital for the longevity of your board.

Read on to learn more about ollie wear and how tail and nose guards can work wonders to prevent your skateboard from needing to be retired too early. It’s really important stuff!

Understanding Ollie Wear

“Ollie wear” is the gradual wear of the skateboard deck, mostly around the tail and nose areas. While any seasoned skater will know that ollies are tough on their boards, not everyone knows exactly why

An ollie is a trick where the rider uses the tail of the skateboard to pop the board off the ground while sliding their front foot forward to keep the deck level in midair. Repeated ollies subject the skateboard to intense friction and impacts. It’s a pretty basic trick that skateboarders use often, so most skateboards see tons of ollies over the course of their lifetime.

As skaters consistently practice ollies, the continued contact between the deck and the ground can’t be avoided. The constant friction, as well as the hard hits during landings, result in wear and tear on the skateboard. You’re spending tons of money, and you want to keep your board healthy for as long as you can!

The tail and nose, which are the points of contact with the ground during ollies, absorb the brunt of these forces. Over time, the graphic on the underside of the deck will fade, and the deck itself can experience thinning or even develop cracks, chips, or scratches. Bad news!

Ollie wear not only affects the aesthetic appeal of the skateboard. More importantly, it compromises the board’s overall integrity and makes it more unsafe for you to ride. To counteract this wear, skaters often turn to tail and nose guards as protective measures, giving the board something else to absorb the impact and preserving their skateboards.

Importance of Tail and Nose Guards

Tail and nose guards play an important role in helping out the longevity and overall performance of your skateboard. Acting as a protective barrier between the deck and the ground, tail and nose guards minimize the direct impact on the areas most susceptible to wear – the tail and nose. 

Skaters who incorporate guards into their setup often find that their boards:

  • Exhibit less visible wear
  • Maintain their graphic aesthetics
  • Withstand the rigors of regular use for a more prolonged period

Basically, tail and nose guards serve as accessories for skateboard enthusiasts, offering a cost-effective means to protect their investment and ensure a sustained, high-performance riding experience. You can even find some in different colors and patterns to match your vibes!

Types of Tail and Nose Guards

Tail and nose guards come in various materials, each with its own set of pros and cons, catering to different preferences and budgets for different skaters:

  • Rubber guards – Rubber guards are a popular choice, known for their flexibility and shock absorption. They provide effective protection against impacts, reducing stress on the deck. However, they may wear out faster compared to other materials. They’re also pretty cheap.
  • Plastic guards – Plastic guards, often made from high-density materials, offer durability and resistance to wear. They are effective in preventing abrasion and can withstand prolonged use, making them a cost-effective option in the long run. However, some skaters find that plastic guards may alter the board’s feel and responsiveness. It just depends on how much control you like. 
  • Foam guards – For those prioritizing lightweight options, foam guards are gaining popularity. While not as durable as rubber or plastic, foam guards provide a soft cushioning effect, ideal for skaters who value a subtle alteration to their board’s performance. Be prepared to replace them often, though. 
  • Metal guards – Metal guards, though less common, offer the most protection. They excel in durability but they also add significant weight to the skateboard, affecting its speed. Additionally, metal guards may produce more noise during landings. They’re some of the most expensive options, too. 

Ultimately, the choice between materials depends on individual preferences and budget constraints. Skaters should consider factors such as the type of tricks they perform, the desired level of protection, and the impact on the skateboard’s overall feel when selecting tail and nose guards.

Installation and Maintenance Tips

Installing tail and nose guards on your skateboard is a straightforward process that ensures effective protection against ollie wear. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide along with installation tips for a prolonged guard lifespan:

  • Gather Materials – Ensure you have the tail and nose guards suitable for your skateboard. Check if any additional tools are required based on the guard type.
  • Clean the Deck – Wipe the tail and nose areas of your skateboard with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or debris. A clean surface ensures better adhesion for the guards.
  • Position the Guards – Identify the tail and nose of your skateboard. Place the guards on these areas, aligning them with the edges of the deck. Ensure they are centered and symmetrically positioned.
  • Peel Off the Adhesive Backing – Most guards come with adhesive backing. Carefully peel off the protective layer to expose the adhesive side.
  • Apply Guards to the Deck – Press the adhesive side of the guards firmly onto the clean deck. Start from one end and smoothly work your way to the other, applying even pressure to ensure a secure bond.
  • Smooth Out Air Bubbles – If air bubbles appear between the guard and the deck, use a flat tool or your fingers to smooth them out. This ensures proper adhesion and prevents premature peeling.
  • Allow Time to Set – Let the guards set for the recommended time specified by the manufacturer. This allows the adhesive to bond securely with the skateboard deck.

When you want to maintain your new guards it is important to follow these maintenance tips:

  • Regularly Inspect Guards – Periodically check the guards for signs of wear and tear. If they show significant damage, consider replacing them to maintain optimal protection.
  • Clean Guards as Needed – Wipe the guards with a damp cloth to remove dirt and grime. Clean guards not only look better but also adhere more effectively.
  • Replace When Necessary – Over time, guards may wear out, especially if you’re an avid skateboarder. Replace guards as needed to ensure continuous protection for your skateboard.

By following these installation steps and maintenance tips, skaters can ensure that their tail and nose guards are properly installed and well-maintained, providing reliable protection for their skateboards against ollie wear.

Conclusion: Get Your Guards Today!

Safeguarding your skateboard from ollie wear involves choosing appropriate tail and nose guards. Installation is simple and maintenance is key. Materials like rubber, plastic, foam, or metal cater to varied preferences. 

Tail and nose guards not only shield against wear and tear but also extend the skateboard’s lifespan, ensuring a sustained, high-performance riding experience.

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