kickflip kickstart step by step tutorial for learning the kickflip

Kickflip Kickstart: Step-by-Step Tutorial for Learning the Kickflip

A kickflip is sort of like an ollie, but instead of simply popping your board and landing, you’ll flick and spin your board before landing. The pros make it look easy – like one simple motion. But there are multiple steps you’ll need to execute for success. Keep reading for the simplest kickflip explanation you’ll find online. 

thrash talking a glossary of rad skateboarding terms a

Thrash Talking: A Glossary of Rad Skateboarding Terms

As we drop into the world of skateboarding slang, be prepared to discover expressions that are as dynamic as the tricks executed on the deck. From the ‘ollie’ that propels riders into the air with finesse to the ‘gnarly’ challenges that test the limits of skill and courage, each term resonates with a distinct energy that encapsulates the spirit of the sport.

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